ALK Netherlands hosts beehives, Left, ALK in the Netherlands have partnered with a local network, Liquid Nature, which specialises in putting bees up for adoption. Together with a neighbou, stories_picture_promo_13.jpeg
Facts about pollen allergy, Left, A blocked and runny nose, itching and watering eyes and sneezing. Those are all pollen allergy symptoms that can make the sufferers feel really bad, b, stories_picture_promo_14.jpeg, Read more about treating allergy
Grass SLIT-tablet, Right, GT-21 (EudraCT ID: 2009-011235-12), GT-01, GT-02, GT-03, GT-04, GT-07, GT-08+ext (EudraCT ID: 2004-000083-27), GT-09 (EudraCT ID: 2005-004962-18), GT-10+ext (EudraCT ID: 2005-004724-39), GT-12 (EudraCT ID: 2006-003415-46), GT-11…,
HDM SLIT-tablet, Right, MT-01, MT-02 (EudraCT ID: 2006-001795-20), MT-03 (EudraCT ID: 2007-000402-67), MT-04 (EudraCT ID: 2010-018621-19), MT-06 (EudraCT ID: 2011-002277-38), P001, P003 (EudraCT ID: 2012-001855-38), P008
Ragweed SLIT-tablet, Right, RT-01, P06081, P05233, P05234 (EudraCT ID: 2008-003864-20), P05751
Adrenaline autoinjector, Right, JX-A-03
Better access to allergy medicines, Left, ALK aims to contribute to overcoming barriers to access by continuing efforts in driving solid, evidence-based research and development of state-of-th, access_to_allergy_care_for_all.jpg, Learn more about ALK…
Review of application, Access to data may be provided following review of the application by a scientific review board including independent academic scientists and healthca
Left, Professor Stephen R DurhamProfessor of Allergy and Respiratory MedicineNational Heart and Lung InstituteImperial College LondonEric D Bateman MB ChB (, 2085_lowres (1).jpg, Scientific Review Board Charter
The review process and role of the independent scientific review board is described in the scientific review board charter. Review criteria include ge
ALK Privacy Values Statement, 1. Respecting Privacy. In ALK, we respect the privacy and the rights of individuals in all areas of our business. 2. Individual rights, adequate infor
ALK policy for anti-corruption, At ALK, we are committed to working against corruption in all its forms, including fraud and bribery. Thus, we do not accept corruption or bribery in
ac_policy_final.pdf, ALK policy for anti-corruption, Download, download
Kornel Golebski wins allergy research award, Kornel Golebski wins allergy research award, Read more about the ARIA-EUFOREA Henning Løwenstein Research Award
Dr. Kornel Golebski was given the ARIA-EUFOREA Henning Løwenstein Research Award during the EUFOREA Forum in Sitges near Barcelona on 14th November 20
How to apply, Left, To apply for access to clinical trial data, please complete and submit the research proposal form including CVs and a statistical analysis plan to Cli, Research Proposal Form, Data Sharing Agreement
Spring is no picnic for a child with pollen allergy, Left, Seasonal allergic rhinitis, better known as pollen allergy, can bring symptoms such as an itchy nose and eyes, sneezing, a blocked nose and watery di, stories_picture_promo_16.jpeg, Read more abo…